LF: Illegal Instruction
LF: Illegal Instruction
Subject: LF: Illegal Instruction
From: Jonathan Eddy <eddy@fuji.bu.edu>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 1996 11:03:02 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
I just recently installe dfargo. All was going well until I tried to run
bd. It said I didn't have all the necessary files. So I thne added them.
The only file I added was graylib. Then when I went to run it, "illegal
instrcution was superimposed over fargo at the top of the screen and the
calculator was frozen. I ended up having to reset my entire memory to
get the calculator active again. I have experienced the same thing with
every other porgam that uses graylib. If you could help by telling me
why this is happening or how to unfreeze my calculator without
resetting, please tell me.
Thanks, Jon Eddy (eddy@fuji.bu.edu)