Re: LF: Make the TI-92 a real gaming machine with sound!
On Mon, 18 Nov 1996 21:02:48 -0600 "Cajun 'Net Crusier"
<> writes:
>> From: Tim Gerla <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: LF: Make the TI-92 a real gaming machine with sound!
>> Date: Saturday, November 16, 1996 10:25 PM
>> On Sat, 16 Nov 1996 20:52:40 -0600, you wrote:
>> >Rule number 1 when shopping at The shack of radio: NEVER belive
>> >that the person there says.. (they usually can't tell the
>> >a LED and a LCD) also very few radio shacks cary a large amount of
>> >electricall components so ask for a catalog.. or just goto mouser
>> >digi-key there probably cheaper anyway..
>> LOL...But it's true! I know the RS catalog better than some people
>> that work there... I've been very happy with mouser, they ship
>> the prices are good, shipping is very reasonable. They once sent me
>> the wrong thing so I called and told them and they sent the right
>> parts out that day... Then they called a few days later to make sure
>> that I had gotten the part. I recommend mouser very much. Digi-key
>> good also, but they have a minimum order or you get hit with a $5
>> charge. Shipping is free if you pay by check! Well, enough of my
>> ranting. Good luck!
>> --
>> Tim Gerla |
>> Tyball@irc |
>> Tyball Dragon| -==<UDIC>==-
>> Fargo Program Archive:
>LOL, LOL, LOL. Radio Shack having good prices? Do you have a license
>use those in the same sentence???? I certainly don't think a simple
>chip is worth about $1 or an red led at $0.50. Mail order catalogs
>for about 1/10 as expensive!!!!!!!
I think Jameco is another great place to order stuff.
They have a web page:
most of their standard chips (555, 74xx, etc.) are around 20-50 CENTS