LF: unsubscribers


LF: unsubscribers

	To all you unsubscribing people.  Don't reply to any message,
change the subject clear the message part and write in it.  Use a web
browser to go to www.ticalc.org and from there click on the mailing lists
button on the left hand column.  look there, find the list you want to
unsubscribe from and click on the blue words that tell you who to mail to
to unsubscribe from that particular list.  Then go back to the browser and
highlight the text to unsubscribe.  Paste that into the body of your
message.  write in a simple subject and send it.  Quit posting to the list.

Pablo XXX

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*             Pablo XXX                            /_/________\_\/\     *
*                   rmay@esu3.esu3.k12.ne.us       \_\___________\/     *
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