LF: Re: FTerm Protocol
> From: Ed Plese, Jr. <eplese@igs1.lnd.com>
> To: list-fargo@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: LF: FTerm Protocol
> Date: Friday, November 22, 1996 2:33 PM
> I don't have a GRAPH-LINK and I want to see what it's like and how
> fast FTerm is when connected to a modem. I am planning on making a
> VB program that will simulate a GRAPH-LINK. The only thing I need to
> know is how data is transmitted/converted when it is sent through the
> GRAPH-LINK. Also, what pins on it are used? Does the Graph-Link use
> only the Rx and Tx data lines and their appropriate clock lines, or
> does it also use the command lines (DTR, RTS, etc.)??
> Thanks
> -Ed
Don't worry about DTR, RTS, etc, just give your modem commands that
disable detection of those. &Dx and &Cx are starts (I think)+