Re: LF: Keepout 1.5 .92@
At 05:41 PM 11/22/96 CST, you wrote:
>I heard that there was a bug in the TI_CONV.EXE program that converts
>.92p to .92@. I guess I am experiencing it since I cannot get Kepout 1.5
>to translate properly. Could someone please translate keepout for me, or
>at least give me a proper translation program that works?
If you need to transfer files over the parallel link, USE THE LINK SOFTWARE PROVIDED BY DAVID ELLSWORTH! His link software works incredibly well sending all major 92* format files in their original formats. To convert a 92p to a 92@, it must first be converted into a .92g. Programs with this link require group files. David's link software requires no conversion, and works much better than link92xp does (nothing against them, he's just provided a major functionality upgrade).
Aaron "I miss my 92" Tubbs
Aaron N. Tubbs
<italic>"If you do something good in life, make sure you get a receipt,
in case heaven is like the IRS!"</italic>