Re: LF: ti92 fast enough?
> For a calculator, it is really fast, but when you compare it to, even a
> 386, it's preatty slow. It's hard to compare a computer and a
> calculator... anyway...
You must reckon that it is pretty unfair to compare a small
"handheld" calculator to a "big" desktop computer...
> Wolf3D would be easy to make, atleast 10 fps, I know what you mean by
> the blur, but for the speed expectations for a game like Wolf3D on the
> calculator it should be too big of a problem.
Well, I am not a Fargo or a 3D game programmer, but I think it would
be quite impossible to make a playable Wolf3D for a TI-92. Even if
the CPU has enough power, even if the LCD display is fast enough. The
big problem is the "small" amount of memory: you must be quite brave
to put a single Wolf3D level, its routines, and everything "else" in
70kb of RAM.
But again, it would be a great game.Maybe with extra RAM...
Nuno Costa
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