LF: An easy way to write Fargo Programs


LF: An easy way to write Fargo Programs

First of all, I woul like to congratulate the Fargo team for the 
great program that they have delivered. Continue the great work!

However, everybody must reckon that writing Fargo programs isn't very 
easy, especially for everybody who isn't used to the Motorola 68k 
processor. I have some experience in programming to the x86, but it 
is definitely a different approach.

I would like to know if there is an easy way to start learning 
Motorola 68k assembly. And yes, I do have the Motorola 68KPM.PDF. 
However I hate its approach. Some really basic hints 
about assembly for the 68k
would also be welcome.

Nuno Costa
Stop the mass genocide in East Timor!

Nuno Miguel Vieira da Costa                                       | Sem a loucura que e o homem,
Email: ncosta@grupo.bfe.pt                                        | Mais que a besta sadia
Web: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/5179 | Cadaver adiado que procria?
________________________________________________Fernando Pessoa____
