Re: LF: TI-92's in today's public high school's????
> > I don't know about other schools but in my school (me being a sophmore)
> > one but me and a friend has a TI-92 and I'm the only one who know's it
> > and out.
> >
> > Is there a lot of these handheld wonder's in other schools?
> I'm the only one with a 92 in a school of about 950, and the only one
> that has a graphlink. Now, every 85,82, and 83 has games and all of
> the teachers want to kill me.
Ditto except out of a school of 1,700, and I'm working on a kick-ass
"Calculator Newsletter" for my school where I'll be selling all kinds of
services (but not turbo'ing, I've broken 3 out of the 75 that I've done so
far and it doesn't do wonders for a profit margin). =)