Re: LF: Links?
Flow control can be achieved using a UART chip. You just have to convert
the serial data coming out of the TI to parallel first to use the UART. I
know it sounds a little crazy changing serial to parallel and bach to serial
again, but that's the only way I can see to get the flow control. The
signal out of the UART would be the same as the signal from the RS232 (
RS232 gest it's signal from a UART. )
Bill Styisack
At 08:49 PM 11/21/96 +0000, you wrote:
>> All this talk about these RS323 (whatever?) and paralell, etc. links is
>> REALLY confusing me. WHY doesn't someone look at what's inside a REAL
>> Graphlink cable and simple re-create it? With all these grandiose plans of
>> upgrading RAM and ROM and CPU for the TI-92, could it REALLY be THAT hard to
>> re-create what TI did? That would clear up SOOO much confusion on the part
>> of EVERYBODY and no one would have to worry about getting converters, etc...
>Because, TI Master, to build a replica of the official TI graph-link
>would require a lot of equipment that would bring the price up much
>higher than the current homemade models cost to build. It would also
>complicate the building process. Basically, since the TIs have no
>flow control built in, the Graph Link controls the rate of flow
>through hardware. The other cables (I think; don't quote me on this)
>do this through software and thus aren't able to use the official
>graph link software.
> Josh Hays |
> Paris, France |
> American School of Paris |
> "Id quod fuimus aut sumus, non cras erimus." -Ovid