LF: TI-92


LF: TI-92

	There is some sort of policy or mutual agreement between all the teachers in
Wilson High School (Portland OR) that when someone is playing a game in class
on a calculator, all the batteries are removed from that calculator, then
returned.  I laugh joyfully as the TI-85 owners scream as their own
 calculators are returned with the friendly little message "Mem cleared,
Defaults set" Because I am an all powerful TI-92 owner, when all my batteries
are taken out and put back in, my calculators memory is still in tact. After
being returned to me, the 85 owners gaze in awe as I jump back into Fargo and
begin a nice game of bd().

   *  --Chris Howard 
  ***   Digibyte Software
 *   *
*** ***

-------Unrelated Quote:

I wanna be just like Bill Gates. I want to rip off Mac OS, call it
my own, fill it full of Bugs, and make sure everyone in the world has
to buy it while I laugh at how stupid they are.
