Re: LF: Sophomores with 92's
>Jeez, it seems like all of us are Sophomores with 92's, or at least in
>high school. Here's a top list of what students say when they first see
>your 92:
>10. Who's is that!?
>9. What type of games do you have on it?
>8. Put the Robot away. ( <= Said by my Freshman Biology Teacher :)
>7. Do you got the computer with ya today?
>6. What is that?
>5. Is that a calculator?
>4. Whoa, and it's heavy, too!
>3. Why do you bring that to school?
>2. Can I see it?
>1. How much did it cost?
>If you have any other "Famous Quotes" about your 92 said by classmates,
>post them... Also, have any of these been said to you? (I'm curious!)
I am one of the THREE freshmen in my school to own a 92. I have the only one
with fargo. My favorite comment about my TI-92 is "Sorry, you cannot use
notebook computers on math tests." said by math teacher. Another favorite is
"Why the hell do you carry that damn thing everywhere you go?"
--Chris Howard