LF: Bugs in Fargo/Boulder Dash


LF: Bugs in Fargo/Boulder Dash

I've discovered weird things with Boulder Dash:

Go to the VAR-LINK window, launch the Fargo shell. Run Boulder Dash,
then and exit the game, and exit the Fargo Shell.

Something wrong ??
It looks like if fonts have been changed in VAR LINK!

Now try whith the MODE window: The text appears in small font,
overwriting the normal font.
Is it possible to modify fonts in the 92's GUI ?

Try this again with the [diamond] [K] menu. After exiting the Fargo
menu, the calc switch off!

My rom version is 1.3
                   - Nicolas Lannuzel -              |      | 
                    Etudiant en Prepa.               |      |
                      Math  student                  | ( o) o)
                 mailto:nlann@cybercom.fr            @      __)
       See my WEB:Maths&amp;Calculators (in French...)   | ,___|   
              http://www.cybercom.fr/~nlann/         /   /  