Re: LF: on my ti-92 cpu upgrade project


Re: LF: on my ti-92 cpu upgrade project

At 05:08 PM 11/19/96 CST, you wrote:
>I have one question- Why the heck do you need to even *Think* about
>upgrading your 92 to an 060? Do the 6 fargo programs out there go to )Slow(
for you??? If not, then why the heck waste your time? The 92 is fine the way
it is, no need to go RippinG it apart just to perform a silly
>upgrade that isn't neccessary.

the upgrade is good but for the most part if it would work you could say "I
did this" and then you would think to yourself how great you were after
installing a chip... :) It would be done more for the idea (and ability to
brag about how you have the best calc) than for the actuall speed increase
(however that would be nice)
