FW: LF: grayscale in Fargo ???
FW: LF: grayscale in Fargo ???
Subject: FW: LF: grayscale in Fargo ???
From: Kristian Nielsen <fargo@ctav.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 19:19:36 +0100
In-Reply-To: <>
On 19. november 1996 00:15, Jonas Minnberg[SMTP:md94-jmi@nada.kth.se] wrote:
>All you need to do is call the ON-routine in the grayscale-library, it
>will return a pointer to the second bitplane. Then you can put a pixel in
>one or both of the bitplane which gives three possible gray colors for
>your pixel.
>//Sasq (Jonas Minnberg)
Do anybody have an example of this ???
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:::: ))))) JKKN :-)