Re: LF: Upgrading this BAD BOY!!!!!!!!!


Re: LF: Upgrading this BAD BOY!!!!!!!!!

>As far as the physical possibility goes, I just took apart my ti92 to check
>out it's guts.  The cpu COULD be safely removed in about an hour's work and
>replaced.  It would take a tiny solder tip and a desoldering iron.  (I might
>then mount a socket on the board for future upgrades)  There is a LOT of
>room inside the thing.  You could probably build an INTERNAL sound card if
>you had the desire.   If I did jsut want to replace the chip, I could also
>safely solder a new chip to it.  There also exists a 33 mHz version of the
>68000 with no extra features.  It would probably be safer, but the 66mHz is
>rated at 5-10 times faster than the stock chip.  That would
>RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you imagine the possibilities?  It would be at least
>286 speed.  I believe that the 68000 is around 8086 speed, or close to the
>Zilog z380.  Any ideas about how to burn a custom eprom to create new ROS's
>(Ram Operating Systems).  Hey, here is an idea:  Tape bakup drive/1.44
>floppy drive.  Or how about external D-ram acting as a ramdrive?  at  $7 per
>meg, this could prove a very attractive way to store large files.  The 68k
>series can address at least 4 gig of ram, so how could we exploit this?  Any
>Erik Buehler
>Email me at:

remember, the 68000 is NOT the standard 68000 processor.  I don't remember
exactly how, but it is changed from the original 68000.

Pablo XXX

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