Re: LF: Boulderdash


Re: LF: Boulderdash

On Mon, 18 Nov 1996, Jonas Minnberg wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Nov 1996, CaRL TuRNeR wrote:
> > ReCoMPiLe iT.
> > 
> > aT THe CoMMaND PRoPT TyPe.
> > ie: fargo bd
> > 
> Loose the caseswitching, it looks ridiculous.
> //Sasq (Jonas Minnberg)
ok I am not going to touch this one to bad but I think that you need to 
lay off the put downs. I just happend to feel like doing that for one day.

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        ***********************InFo BaNNeR By: Carl Turner*  <-- D |   R !
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Carl Turner
        `Life is but a child's rhyme,
         Mostly done in double time.'
                        mad bogart


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