Re: LF: Upgrading the CPU
Re: LF: Upgrading the CPU
On Mon, 18 Nov 1996, Erik Buehler wrote:
> I have surfed the moterolla site and have discovered the god of chips: The
> 68060. It can run at 66 mHz, execute 3 instructions per clock cycle, and
> perform over 50 MIPS (I think as high as 100 MIPS). This is incredible
> compared to the 68000's 10 MIPS. What are the chances of chip swapping.
> Could this prove fatal? How about using the 33mHz version of the 68000,
> would this be ok? I also discovered that the chip is available in forms
> coming with as much as 256k ram and attached eprom. Is there any way to
> make use of this? The chips are capable of addressing up to at least 4 gig
> of ram, is it possible to upgrade the ram? Any one know? Well thanks.
The 68000 CPU in the TI92 is custommade and not compatible with Motorolas
other CPU:s so it's impossible to upgrade the CPU like that...
//Sasq (Jonas Minnberg)