RE: LF: cc68k and ti-85 emulator


RE: LF: cc68k and ti-85 emulator

On 18. november 1996 20:57, Mr. Davis[] wrote:
>I am confused. This compiles programs to assembly that I can run on my
>92 right? If so couldn't I decomplile the 85 asm progs to c? then
>compile them as 92 progs?

First of all you'll have to make a deassambler for the 85 asm progs to c, and that will be
impossible, because the asm-lang contains a lot more direct ways to do things, than c.
And there'll be a lot of commands you can't just translate into c, because c is a more
generally lang.

But if you got a 85 c-program, it maybe could be compiled to a 92 progs, I don't know !

c -> asm: Okay!
asm -> c: Not possible!

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       ----------         )))))           J. Kristian K. Nielsen
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::::                   )))))         JKKN :-)