In a message dated 11/18/96 11:23:18 AM, you wrote:
<<now when I typed ATZ on the term screen w/echo on The recieve data light
flashed it should...
but when I tried to dial out Ex. ATDTxxxxxxx (where x's are the phone
absoulutly nothing happened ...but something strange I noticed the Recieve
Data light on my modem flashed again... hmmmm.....>>
He caught me online with this, so look through our chat, I'm posting it so
others don't repeat things, this list is getting to big! I had 130 messages
CiebieraP: Hey could you check the list and try to answer my modem question
I love your page especially the graphics :)
JWardell: which was that? (topic)
JWardell: oh I found it
CiebieraP: ok
JWardell: How did you hook the modem to the null modem without a gender
CiebieraP: With a cable I didn't need a gender changer It was male to female.
JWardell: Ah a cable OK :)
CiebieraP: I forgot that in the diagram
JWardell: when you typed ATZ did it say OK?
CiebieraP: no
CiebieraP: the Revieve Data light just flashed
CiebieraP: is ATZ case sensitive?
JWardell: A little thing I made sure to do when I was playing with that..set
the modem to 9600 before you use it
JWardell: no, no AT commands are case sensitive
CiebieraP: yeah
maybe I need ^M at the end to force a CR?
CiebieraP: is the null modem pin out correct?
JWardell: I have yet to try the direct hardware connection, I used a
portlinker on m computer back when I tried it. I had the settings in the
software to set the port to 9600. I don't know if the modem can or cannot
adapt to the 9600 of the graph-link by itself
CiebieraP: how do i set the modems speed, the only way I would figure is in
the port settings with Win95
JWardell: no, no need for ^M, and did you buy a null modem or make it?
CiebieraP: bought it
CiebieraP: what is a port linker?
JWardell: Yeah-- I would hook the modem to the computer, open some term
software, set port speed to 9600, type some commands, unplug the modem from
the computer and into the graph link & null modem, then try it
JWardell: A port linker is a program that echos things from serial ports,
effectively linking my printer and modem ports (graph link in one, modem in
CiebieraP: ok but should FTerm say OK after a command?
JWardell: yes, well the modem says that
CiebieraP: Yeah I know
CiebieraP: But the Graph Link I have is serial.
CiebieraP: maybe I should build the parrallel version.
JWardell: yes, the link and the modem are both serial
CiebieraP: so you're saying I should build the alternate verrsion, right?
CiebieraP: Your Link is parallel right?
JWardell: No way, I hate all homemade links
CiebieraP: yeah, do they work right
JWardell: not with a modem and fterm
CiebieraP: ?
CiebieraP: oh
JWardell: it should work with the adapters, I haven't tried it taht way
myslef though
JWardell: I have been successful with the linked serial ports, and others
have been successfull with the adapters
CiebieraP: so what does a port linker and FTerm have to do with one another
unless you are saying your modem is in one serial port and the graph link in
the other? then you must have a PS2 machiene or a internal modem.
JWardell: That's what I said, the modem is in one and the graph link is in
the other
JWardell: I have a Mac
CiebieraP: oh i see
CiebieraP: do you know where I can get port linker software?
JWardell: Well try those things out, I'll post this chat to list-fargo so
others don't repeat things
JWardell: No idea for PCs
CiebieraP: ok thanks
CiebieraP: I really apreciate you taking the time to help me out, talk to you
later :)
JWardell: Sure. Bye.