Re: LF: FChem version 1.0 BETA
Re: LF: FChem version 1.0 BETA
>I have just completed FChem version 1.0 BETA! It's similar to my ChemLib
>85 program for ZShell. Read the TXT file for more information. Let me
>know what you think.
When pressing many non-character keys in this program I get odd on-screen
characters. This in itself does not bother me, but the character that
appears when pressing clear is a small bell. This is curious to me. What
purpose does this shape, which I have seen nowhere else, serve? Was the 92,
at one point, intended to have a beep, alarm, or chime? Anyone know
anything about this?
Other than that, great program! I would love to see a split screne version
with the periodic table diagram with moving cursor on one side, and the
info for the selected element on the other. Just a suggestion, as my
ignorance of assembly prevents me from having any meaningful say in such