Re: LF: More trouble...
Re: LF: More trouble...
Kevin T. Huber writes:
> A bunch of stuff in reply to Jake Robb
If you want to actually print the numeric code for the pressed key, you'll
have to use sprintf or some other number printing routine. The attached
listing is a repost, but it's got an example call to sprintf. The nice
thing about sprintf versus hexlib is that you can print in decimal, octal,
or hex. Note that I didn't use any macros just to simplify things for
A good logical way for a keycode printer to work is to have a last_key
variable. You initialize it to some impossible value like 65535, then
after you call idle_loop you compare d0 to last_key. If they're the same,
you exit, otherwise print the value, store d0 in last_key and loop again.
This way you can print all of the keycodes (without special casing escape
for example). The keycodes are in the TI-92 manual so you should be able
to verify that they're correct.
; ex.asm
; print 1-50
; no rights reserved - kth
@program prog_code,prog_name
jsr flib[clr_scr]
move.w #1,-(a7) ;#1 is 8x8 font
jsr romlib[set_font]
lea 2(a7),a7
move.w #1,x ; x=1
move.l #$4440,a1 ; start of LCD mem (aka LCD_MEM)
move.l #$4440,a2
add.l #30*8,a2 ; 8 lines down
move.w #(((121-8)*30)/2)-1,d0 ; copy first 121 lines up
move.w (a2),(a1) ; copy a word (16 bits)
add.l #2,a1
add.l #2,a2
dbra.w d0,startcopy ; if d0 > 0,decrement & goto startcopy
move.l #$4440+112*30,a1 ;112 lines down
move.w #(15*8)-1,d0 ;8 rows
move.w #0,(a1) ;clear
add.l #2,a1
dbra d0,starterase
move.w x,-(a7) ; push argument 1
pea numfmt(PC) ; format string
pea numtemp(PC) ; output buffer
jsr romlib[sprintf]
lea 10(a7),a7
move.w #0001,-(a7) ; color
pea numtemp(PC) ; Variable of string to print
move.w #112,-(a7) ; y
move.w #0,-(a7) ; x
jsr romlib[puttext] ; ROM call to puttext
lea 10(a7),a7 ; restore the stack pointer
jsr flib[idle_loop] ; wait for key
add.w #1,x ; x=x+1
cmp #50,x
ble startloop ; while x<=50 loop
dc.b "example loop in ML",0
x dc.w 0
numfmt dc.b "%d",0
numtemp dc.b " ",0 ;big enough for 9999
;*************** End of Fargo program ****************
add_library romlib
add_library flib