Re: LF: Possible Easter Egg


Re: LF: Possible Easter Egg wrote:
> Corect me if im wrond but i think bd runs faster with the on key pressed
> because that diasables the keyboard interupts which slow down the processing
> of the program, someone already mentioned that you cannot disable all the
> interupts because of the use of gray scale. I have an idea how to get around
> this if it is posible to change the ti vector table so the keyboard interupt
> points to an empty location in the memory so the interupts would still ocur
> but not take up so many cpu cycles. Another idea is to release a b&w version
> of bd and not use any of the interupts.

You can switch into b&w mode in bd (press Mode), and then I could do that,
but it must be very simple to just change the vector table instead. Or maybe
fake that the on key is pressed :-)

Jimmy Mårdell                "I want to stand in the eye of a storm         I want to get struck by lightning    I want our house to be set on fire
IRC: Yarin                    for us to walk without shelter" /Covenant
