LF: FarGray 1.0


LF: FarGray 1.0

I am having some trouble with FarGray.  I set my image to four colors:
(0,0,0), (85,85,85), (170,170,170), and (255,255,255).  Those are the RBG
values.  I converted to 256 grayscale.  When it appears on my calc after
running rawtoasm and fargo.bat, the middle two colors (the grays) appear to
have switched. Where it should be a darker gray, it is light and where it
should be light, it is dark.  I have compensated for this by switching the
colors before running rawtoasm but it is still an annoyance.  If anyone else
has noticed this problem, please let me know.  Also, I would like to know
exactly how much free mem must be available on the calc to RUN the program.
I noticed that my calc crashes if too low.  Thanks!


Funny quote:  "Last night I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out!"
\                                         ___  ___                   /
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