Re: LF: What is this s**t about making money off calculator games !!
Re: LF: What is this s**t about making money off calculator games !! wrote:
> this argument has no base. One person is yelling at the other for charging
> for games, but as far as I can tell, no one has ever mentioned charging for
> fargo games. This is probably because a) they want to distribute it free
> because they love programming, not money, and b) once one person bought it,
> it could just be posted and everyone could get it for free.
The only message I recall that talked about charging for games was one
that suggested that those of us who kept trying to turn the calc into
more than it is/ could be design our own system, and charge for games.
It can be read at the following address:
The original writer odviously didn't put too much thought into his
message before he wrote it. He was probably one of those people
complaining when fargo didn't come out right away, Wanting everything
right away, bug free, and of course no desire of paying for it.
And if anyone doesn't like the idea of paying for a program, they can
simply not buy it. NTCHRIST who worte the original message must feel
that some good game will come along and he won't be able to play it
because hes to cheap to pay for it.
> Either way, I would be full willing to offer some sort of compensation to
> the people who spend so much of their lives working on calculators and who
> freely offer their knowledge and work to us. We should somehow help them out
> and I would not in the least mind just sending them some money, if not for a
> program, for their good will.
I think the best way to repay someone for programming something would be
to make a program yourself.
btw, the original message mentioned copyrighting games. Technically,
anything produced is copyrighted, so all of the games out there ARE
already copyrighted. But to make sure, its best to say copyright/rights
reserved. (of coures its even better to register it, but...)
Christopher Poole