Re: LF: Help


Re: LF: Help

On Mon, 16 Dec 1996, Josh wrote:
> Could somebody tell me what's wrong with this program?  It seems to work
> fine (it compiles and displays the text) except that you cannot exit the
> program (you have to reset).  I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong
> with flib[idle_loop] or if it's something else I'm doing.
> ;************Begin Program***************
>    @program start,name
>    include macros.h
> start:
>    jsr      flib[clr_scr]
>    move.w   #2,d0
>    move.w   #1,d1
> print:
>    SetFont  d0
>    WriteStr #1,d1,#0,hello
>    addi     #10,d1
>    WriteStr #1,d1,#4,hello
>    addi     #10,d1
>    dbra     d0,print
Take that last line out.

This is just making it loop back up to 'print:'
and it never gets to your 'flib[idle_loop]'.

Carl Turner
