LF: Re: Help
LF: Re: Help
> Could somebody tell me what's wrong with this program? It seems to work
> fine (it compiles and displays the text) except that you cannot exit the
> program (you have to reset). I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong
> with flib[idle_loop] or if it's something else I'm doing.
> ;************Begin Program***************
> @program start,name
> include macros.h
> start:
> jsr flib[clr_scr]
> move.w #2,d0
> move.w #1,d1
> print:
> SetFont d0
> WriteStr #1,d1,#0,hello
> addi #10,d1
> WriteStr #1,d1,#4,hello
> addi #10,d1
> dbra d0,print
> jsr flib[idle_loop]
> rts
> hello dc.b "This is a test...",0
> name dc.b "Josh's program",0
> reloc_open
> add_library flib
> add_library romlib
> reloc_close
> end
> ;***************End Program***************
> Josh Franta MAIL - jfranta@mail.coin.missouri.edu
> WEB - http://www.cec.wustl.edu/~jdf1
Yea I think the dbra messes it up into an infinite loop thingy. dunno why
you have the Dbra there unless you wanted it to jump to print: