Re: LF: On-calc assembler
Re: LF: On-calc assembler
>Check out the following code from graylib, which does just what your
>trying to do.
>It seams to write to $20000+$vector address
>I think that its a workaround because of the way the ti-92's memory
>wraps around, but you could use similar code for your pourpose
> movem.l d0-d7/a0-a5,-(a7)
> move.w #$2700,sr
> move.l ($020064),old_int_1
> move.l #int_1,($020064)
> move.w #$2000,sr
> movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a5
>Christopher Poole
Yes, I noticed that today. I also discovered the extra system Rob Taylor
talked about in his message.
So, I'll try those things.
But, there are few other problem with re-writing the error routines. One is
the fact that the routines would have to be in a fixed point in memory so
the vector can be set correctly. From what I hear, Fargo programs are never
fixed anywhere.
Also, there's the problem on what to do after the error message is
displayed. How does one clear the problem and drop back to the OS (or
whatever)? For example, if there is an address error, the message would be
displayed, but you wouldn't want the calc to just resume back to where the
error was... that wouldn't help things. You'd want it to terminate the
program and drop back to the home screen (or fargo shell or whatever). And
I'm not sure how to do that...