Re: LF: On-calc assembler
Re: LF: On-calc assembler
Hmmm wrote:
> >u need to enable the supervisor bit read the text Jimmy Mardell relesed a
> >while back
> >
> >
> well, I put $2700 in the SR which should enable it, as far as I know. And,
> the error seems to be a TI-92 specific error which means it doesn't have
> anything to do with the actual microprocessor, but I could be wrong.
> -Mark-
Check out the following code from graylib, which does just what your
trying to do.
It seams to write to $20000+$vector address
I think that its a workaround because of the way the ti-92's memory
wraps around, but you could use similar code for your pourpose
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a5,-(a7)
move.w #$2700,sr
move.l ($020064),old_int_1
move.l #int_1,($020064)
move.w #$2000,sr
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a5
Christopher Poole