Re: LF: DIVU Instruction
Re: LF: DIVU Instruction
>Shawn Walker wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Dec 1996 wrote:
>> > I have been working on a Sierpinski hexagon, and I have to use the DIVU
>> > instruction to divide by 3. I tried it like this:
>> > move.l #3,d5
>> > divu.l d4, d5
>> > and I always get a divide by zero. not only is the reset problem
>> > (about 5 min. delay), but no matter how I change it, I keep on getting a
>> > divide by zero. So, the instruction divides the first thing by the
>> > right? and stores the answer in the first, right? help is appreciated.
>> >
>> > Tilde,
>> > Jeffrey :j
>> >
>> >
>> The way I understand it, that instruction puts d5/d4 -> d5. It takes the
>> long in d5, divides by the word in d4, stores the quotient long in d5.
>Not really, divu d4,d5 (.l is not needed, it always divides a longword with
>a word) stores the truncated quotient d5/d4 in the lower word in d5 and
>the remainder at the higher word in d5 (to get the remainder, use SWAP d5
>and the two words will exchange). If the answer is bigger than 16 bits,
>the V flag is set (overflow), and the N- and Z-flag is undefined.
>Jimmy Mårdell "Breaking your trust in sorrow, until you face
> the dreams of tomorrow, has taken place
> Your life has been turning, inside your head
>IRC: Yarin The truth will be burning, until your dead"
Thank you for your input, and here is the result. :)
Jeffrey :j