LF: Fargo/M68k assembly resources


LF: Fargo/M68k assembly resources

David C. Matovich writes:
 > Could someone point me to any resources on Fargo/M68K assembly 
 > they can think of.  I'm trying to learn it.  There is one thing in 
 > particular.

Look at Tim Gerla's page at
and Jimmy Mardell's 68kguide.txt.  There is additional source
code on ticalc.org.

 > 	I know that when you use idle_loop from flib, it sets a register 
 > (d0 I think) to number pertaining to a key pressed.  What I need in 
 > particular is this list of numbers with their corresponding keys.

TI-92 Guidebook, page 484-487.

There's also Aaron Tubbs' FAQ at http://www.parrett.net/~poral/fargo.html

