Re: LF: Troubles with Fterm
Re: LF: Troubles with Fterm
> I have pretty much the same problem here also.
> but when i plug in my modem to the calc and turn it on then go into fargo
> then I get a strange character on the screen. I can still type and enter
> commands but that gets anoying after awhile.
> and the screen filling problem.
> I suggest that you connet to the bbs you are dialing and set your screen
> to 40x16 <--I think that is it. and your ansi display off! or you get a
> bunch of '<-[0,7]' on the screen till it is full and you have to turn off
> fterm and go back in. and do this till it is done displaying your pic or
> what ever it is doing. If you know anything about ansi art you know what
> i am talking about.
> tell me if any one have an anwser to this.
> Carl Turner
For teh seventh or eigth time, it is a BUFFER OVERFLOW. It has *NOTHING* to
do with ANSI.