Re: LF: Supervisor Stack
Re: LF: Supervisor Stack
> > > You mean:
> > > move.l #start, $80.w
> > > trap #0
> > > start:
> >
> > The Amiga truly had a weird OS!!!!
> It had a truly FAST OS, since we didn't have to TRAP our way into
> the OS (what a waste of cycles) but just jump.
> Hmm somehow I feel that an Atari<->Amiga discussion is a little..
> out of date? Both systems are more or less gone anyway
True true... I suppose fargo is more based around teh amiga OS than
ST, but I think we've got some truly unique features taht are quite
P.S. on the no of cycles overhead on calling a lib... ther aren't
any!! libs are just JSR'd to and the addresses and stuff are
precalculated before the fargo program is run...
Rob Taylor MAIL -