Re: LF: Is there a newsgroup in the works?


Re: LF: Is there a newsgroup in the works?

Jeffrey Peeden wrote:
> I was just wondering if there are any plans to make a
> bit.listserv.fargo newsgroup or something like that.  I tried to see
> if there was one already, but I didn't notice it.  I'm just thinking
> ahead to coming back from Christmas break with 5000+ messages to read
> from the newsgroup (I think I had almost 300 just over the
> Thanksgiving weekend).  I don't want to miss out on any  of the
> discussions and just wanted to see if this method of posting
> information was being considered.

There is a www archive of the list at  you can unsubscribe
for the break and read the messages off the web later.  
PS: if you do unsubscribe, check for the proper address, do
not simply reply to the list!
> Thanks,
> Jeffrey Peeden

Christopher Poole
