RE: LF: *READ PLEASE*****!!!! New question about BIN Greyscale FILES ***


RE: LF: *READ PLEASE*****!!!! New question about BIN Greyscale FILES ****

On 4. december 1996 12:30, Jonas Minnberg[] wrote:
>There ARE RAW-converters for the PC as well.. I think Alchemy can produce 
>something like a RAW-image... And a program called bin2obj as well.
>When you have the picture in rawformat, you just have to convert it to
>dc.w statements (since A68k does not support the INCBIN directive) and
>include it in the sourcecode.
>//Sasq (Jonas Minnberg)

What do you meen "does not support the INCBIN directive", you used it
yourself in your helena.asm ???

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       ----------         )))))           J. Kristian K. Nielsen
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::::                   )))))         JKKN :-)
