RE: LF: ***** Greyscale experts...READ THIS NOW (PLEASE) ******


RE: LF: ***** Greyscale experts...READ THIS NOW (PLEASE) ******

> I'm writing a converter just now.
> It'll be a PC-program and convert from RAW to 92p !
> Will be available really soon :-) !
But how about a program that will convert RAW to bin so that I can use it 
in the program.

like this:
the helena pict only had 3 colors; white, black, and gray.
white was not needed to make a bin for that pic so they made only the 
ones needed for that black and gray. (you following me?)

so make a program that will make a raw pic to go down to each bin file so 
that I can use it in programs for title screens, insted of calling it 
from another program.

If you don't under stand any of this tell me.

Carl Turner
