Re: LF: ***** Greyscale experts...READ THIS NOW (PLEASE) ******
Re: LF: ***** Greyscale experts...READ THIS NOW (PLEASE) ******
Michael Wulff Nielsen wrote:
> I really dont know. Because you would need powerpacker and that program is
> as far as I know not available for the PC. I am afraid you have to ask
> someone else.
> On Mon, 2 Dec 1996, Carl Turner wrote:
> > Ok.
> > Thank you, this letter helps alot. (realy!)
> >
> > but how who you go about doing this on the PC?
> >
> > say I wanted to convert a 240x122 .bmp file with 2 grays (like helena) to
> > .bin for the helena program?
> >
> >
> > Carl Turner
> >
> >
You don't *need* to compress these files... You could use an uncomressed
image, which would just have two planes, and would be represented
directly in binry.
one way could be to place it directly in the sourec like so
dc.b %00000000000001100000000000
dc.b %00000000000011110000000000
dc.b %00000000000111111000000000
dc.b %00000000001111111100000000
dc.b %00000000011111111110000000
dc.b %00000000000001100000000000
dc.b %00000000000010010000000000
dc.b %00000000000100001000000000
dc.b %00000000001000000100000000
dc.b %00000000010000000010000000
make sure to have it the right size though, and you must change the
source so that it does not *unpowerpack* the code, cause its not
The powerpacking I belive was just to cut down the file size, so it did
not take up all your calcs mem.
PS. I am no expert either, so if this doesn't work, don't blame me, well
just have to ask the experts again.
Christopher Poole