Re: LF: ASM Question...Help please...
Re: LF: ASM Question...Help please...
On Mon, 02 Dec 1996 19:10:56 -0500, you wrote:
> I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to write a for loop
>in 68k Assembly? I have the help card and the PDF file from Motorolla
>and they don't really help me that much. If you can, can you convert the
>following TI-BASIC program into 68k Assembly? Thanks!
> By the way, I would also appreciate it if you could attach the asm file
>of the program below with comments in it. Thanks alot!
> I am sorry if this is a really stupid question, but I am new to 68k
>ClrHome (Or ClrDraw, whichever clears the screen in Asm)
>For x,1,500
> Disp x
> Pause
>DelVar x
Here's what I believe you wanted, it counts in hex because displaying
decimal is less straightforward than hex... Also, it counts up to 2000
instead of 200, because 68k asm is so fast you cannot see it run. :)
Please e-mail me any questions about the code or any other asm
questions! Good luck with your programming!
Tim Gerla -- -- Tyball@irc
Tyball Dragon -==(UDIC)==-
~~~~~Happy Holidays!~~~~~
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