Re: LF: link to your site
Re: LF: link to your site
APOLOGIES to all of the group, I have yet again made a fatal error in my
ways. (I do need to get more sleep). I hope that you will all forgive me
for my mis-posting!
At 11:45 AM 12/1/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Glad to hear it! When I build a link section into my page, and it's no
>longer just the FAQ, I'll be more than happy to add a link to your page too.
>At 07:32 PM 11/30/96 GMT, you wrote:
>>Hello, I added a link to your fargo site to my page, listed in my sig.
>>Tim Gerla | -=={UDIC}==-
>>Tyball@irc |
>>Fargo Program Archive:
>>Premade TI link cables for sale! Write me or see my page for details.