Re: LF: Re: TI-92
Re: LF: Re: TI-92
This isn't a flame, but technically since you are a minor you do not have
the "Rights" of the public adult. And this is how schools are allowed to
follow through with such actions.
At 07:27 AM 11/28/96 CST, you wrote:
>Hey, isn't that illegal in some way? (Assuming you live in the U.S.) I
>know there are *many* pathetic laws about computers and data. [such as:
>It's against the law to enter fake info when you are signing on to a
>BBS, and no porn on the net, no copying of software, etc, etc.) Don't
>you think that you could get a teacher in trouble for "Unauthorized Data
>Destruction of persons private property" or something.... If my teacher
>started toward my calc, wanting to reset it- i'd say "I have important
>data on here, besides, I'll sue you for destruction of private property.
>You simply cannot reset my calculator." If she/he says "You are in my
>classroom, and I make the rules here" say something along the lines of
>"I am in a publiclly funded tax-dollar supported government building.
>The laws are no different in this room, than out that window."
>Some people might flame me for this view on things, but you see I have my
>own computer in my room and I have lots of security apps on it so no one
>but me gets in it so nothing gets messed up. The point is- it's MY
>computer. Just as the calc is... If a teacher saw me using my Laptop at
>school, and says "Hey, is that Doom? I have to reformat your hard drive
>now, give that to me..." I know NO ONE on this list in their right mind
>would hand over that laptop without saying a word. Expessially when you
>have certain reports and stuff on it. I know that a computer will have
>more important data on it than a calc, but it sure is a bitch to have to
>re-install fargo, etc.. expessially when you have programs on it that you
>are writing if you don't have a link yet.
>On Thu, 28 Nov 1996 00:34:14 EST (Nick J Schaf)
>>The teachers at Arrowhead are a bit smarter. They don't take out the
>>batteries (especially the electronics teahcer-he knows about the
>>lithium battery). Our teahcers know very well how to reset the
>>calculators, with one exception: the 92 it too new, so they aren't
>>all familiar with how to reset it.