LF: Keepout 2.5!
LF: Keepout 2.5!
Here it is, quite a big update, *READ THE DOCS* please! :)
Not much to say, but here are the changes from the docs
*Changed timeout value to (very) approximate seconds
*Moved the About info to it's own screen
*You can now exit with [ESC]
*Moved menus to the right a few spaces
*The program name and version is now displayed at the top of
the screen on every menu and prompt.
*Verticlly centered the menus
*Greatly improved the Change Password screen. Now, if you press
[ESC] if you mess up, you can retry and enter a new password.
*The screen does not refresh every letter when personalizing.
*More little changes...
*Stopped including the .ASM file with the archive...
Tim Gerla -- timg@climax.polaristel.net -- Tyball@irc
Tyball Dragon -==(UDIC)==-
Binary data