Re: LF: z80 to 68000 converter
Re: LF: z80 to 68000 converter
I know of the changes that would have to be made. But just the thought
of it...
On Sun, 01 Dec 1996 00:55:51 -0800 Jimmy Mårdell <> writes:
>> ok. i have found a z80 to 68000 converter. It is a LBR file,
>which I
>> extracted(using I got 4 files with the extension of
>> Is there anyway to unzip, extract, or run those files on an IBM? if
>> we might see some cool games...
>Umm, not really :-) You still have to change VERY much in the source.
>Calls to the rom, everything that uses ports, all variables must be
>treated differently, the graphics... the graphics must be a huge
>since the video memory is bigger you have to recode all routines that
>the video memory, and that will be hard if those routines are cleverly
>made (ie complex, compact and fast, like my sprite routine :-) )
>Jimmy M=E5rdell "Breaking your trust in sorrow, until
>you f=
> the dreams of tomorrow, has taken place
> Your life has been turning, inside your
>IRC: Yarin The truth will be burning, until your