[A89] Re: p55x
[A89] Re: p55x
Debian stable uses software that's years old! Upgrade to sarge and be fine, and if you don't use ATI video cards, shoot for sid!
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 09:18:04 +0200
Sebastian Reichelt <SebastianR@gmx.de> wrote:
> What about people with 2.2 kernels? Debian stable still uses them by
> default, but they provide a package for 2.4 (2.4.18, I believe). Yet I
> have not seen the support for anything calculator-related even in the
> 2.4.21 configuration.
> However, people with Debian stable might not install TiLP anyway. Or
> you'll have to backport all bugfixes to the Debian package on
> www.tilp.info (wherever it is).