[A89] Re: BCD in sprintf
[A89] Re: BCD in sprintf
First, if you could give the C-sytle prototype so we
know what order the parameters are in, that would
>>lea -30(sp),sp
>> .string "r=%f"
>>>This looks correct to me, except that I don't know
>>>about ".string";
>>>it even exists in A68k. Could you try removing
>>>the "%f" in the
>>>just to test the call to sprintf?
it's GNU as syntax. The sprintf works ok.
Really. Then, do you have --register-prefix-optional
switch passed, otherwise you should have %'s before
your registers.
>>in returns "r=0", I tried with the format string
>>d,%d,%hi" and it
>>returned "r=0,19456,3". I know that 19456 is for the
>>4C00 (the
>>exponent of the BCD), but the "3"?...
Um, the BCD has the exponent first, so it should
probably be
"r=%hi,%li,%li". I'm not sure about int sizes with
TIOS, but they might only be 2 bytes, so you could
just be getting the first part of the mantissa.
Lastly, here's the C source code:
void _main(void)
char buffer[20];
sprintf (buffer, "r=%f", 1.2345);
ST_helpMsg (buffer);
and the generated asm for that source, to demonstrate
how to use bcd in sprintf. It works fine for me:
.ascii "r=%f\0"
.word 16384
.long 305418240
.long 0
.globl _main
/* Support for OPTIMIZE_ROM_CALLS */
move.l 0xC8,%a5
link.w %a6,#-20
move.l %a2,-(%sp)
move.w .LC0+8,-(%sp)
move.l .LC0+4,-(%sp)
move.l .LC0,-(%sp)
pea .LC1
lea (-20,%a6),%a2
move.l %a2,-(%sp)
move.l 332(%a5),%a0
jbsr (%a0)
move.l %a2,-(%sp)
move.l 920(%a5),%a0
jbsr (%a0)
move.l -24(%a6),%a2
unlk %a6
Hope that helps.
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