[A89] BCD in sprintf


[A89] BCD in sprintf

here's another newbie question :P
How should I pass a BCD to sprintf? this is what I'm doing right now:
(all this is after calling bcddiv, so a6 holds the address of the result)

    lea     -30(sp),sp
    move.w  8(a6),-(sp)
    move.l  4(a6),-(sp)
    move.l  (a6),-(sp)
    pea     DispString(pc)
    pea     14(sp)
    move.l  sprintf(a5),a4
    jsr     (a4)

    .string "r=%f"

but it's not working. I tried the same with a "constant" float, so I 
replaced the move's for something like this:

    move.w  #0x00,-(sp)
    move.l  #0x6250,-(sp)
    move.l  #0x4C00,-(sp)

I also tried the other order (pushing the last word at the end and 
0x4C00 first) but with the same result. What's the right way to pass 
a BCD number to a function?
