[A89] Re: Setting bit fields
[A89] Re: Setting bit fields
My question was this: why do you want to set and then immediately clear
(or vice versa) a bit? Now that I think about it, it's probably because
we're sending a single blip to the output. But I don't know how the link
port works at all, and hence the question.
On Sat, 02 Mar 2002 23:35:47 +0100 Olle Hedman <alh@home.se> writes:
> At 23:40 2002-03-01, you wrote:
> >Why do you need to do an AND and an OR? To set bit 6, you just
> need:
> you answered your own question. the and for clearing, and the or for
> setting.
> its not always (is it even often?) that you only want to clear or
> only want
> to set bits.
> if it isn't just a few, and then its better with bset and bclr
> anyway.
> ///Olle
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