[A89] Re: arctan 2
[A89] Re: arctan 2
Here's a C++ function I wrote (not long ago) which
calculates the arctan to a given accuracy; might help.
It uses the Taylor series expansion of arctan(x).
// arctan(x) = sum((-1)^k*x^(2*k+1)/(2*k+1), k = 0..n)
+ e(x) | abs(x) <= 1
// abs(e(x)) < abs(x^(2*n+3)/((2*n+3)*(1+x^2))
double arctan(double x){
if(abs(x) > 1) return 3.1415926535898/2 -
double y = x*x;
int k = 0;
double s = 0;
double t = x;
do{ s += t/(2*(k++)+1);}while(abs((t *=
-y)/((2*k+1)*(1+y))) >= ERROR);
cout << k << " iterations to calculate arctan(" << x
<< ")\n";
return s;
- Jeff
--- asm viper <asmviper@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Actually, i don't mind boundaries on the input (as
> long as it is not more
> constricting than -1<x<1). Thanks again!
> asmviper
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