[A89] Re: tigcc working!
[A89] Re: tigcc working!
actually testing it on the real thing is the most accurate and preferred way
to do it for most ppl, esp when dealing with time sensitive stuff, like
interrupts. it's just a few extra clicks and a few extra seconds to send it
to the calc, but it saves you time from 'sending' it to the emulated calc
anyways so i think it's worth it.
> Finally I got tigcc working (for assembly only, but that's the only
> thing I wanted). The only problem I'm having right now is that to
> test my code, I have to upload it to my ti89, so... anyone knows if
> there's a TI-89/92+ emulator for MacOS? (I know that GktTiEmu should
> work on MacOS X, but I'm not working with it right now...)
> tia,
> --
> Rolando Abarca
> Estudiante Injenieria U. de Chile
> rabarca (at) ing.uchile.cl - funkaster (at) mac.com