[A89] org directive in a68k


[A89] org directive in a68k

 I'm trying to figure out how to set the base address for the code I'm
assembling so that I can use absolute addressing.  We do this on the z80
calculators with the org or .org directive but attempting to use this
directive in a68k gives me the error "relocatability error".  The same
occurs with rorg.  I can't find any examples or source in which this is used
either(for a68k).  I assembled this source on a 68k assembler written by
teesside university without trouble.  The only thing that gives me an error
is this org directive.  I think everyone uses relative addressing for the
89/92 and I'd be doing this but i'm programming code for a different system.
Thanks for any help you can give me.

 Brandon Sterner
