Thanks, on behalf of all of us interested.
Jeremiah D Walgren <> wrote:
For those interested in AMS 2.08, there was an article posted about it at that stated some information on it. (Apparently
someone had not noticed it was gone.) They provided a URL where you
could download it. It is should you
be interested. It should give a download window and give you AMS 2.08.
If not, go to TINews and check the older news section farther down on the
main home page. (In the left gutter.) It is titled, "TI takes down AMS
2.08" or so. (I've had bad short term memory as of late.) Towards the
end of the article, it should say you can download it here with "here"
being a URL.
If you can't get it from there, let me know and I can e-mail it to you.
Or bug TI to fix it and re-release it.
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