[A89] Re: DoorsOs & New TI-89 OS - appsub assembly-89 christian.gegourel
[A89] Re: DoorsOs & New TI-89 OS - appsub assembly-89 christian.gegourel@wanadoo.fr 3E0B87D1:A65.1:nffrzoyl
v2.04 AMS is what I use (and probably what a lot of people use) because
Doors works with it and you don't gain a whole lot with v2.05.
> Hello,
> I just instal "Advanced Mathematics Software Operating System for TI-89
> (V2.05)"
> on my daughter's TI89 downloaded from official Texas site :
> e.89u).
> Since assembly programs using "DoorsOS" such as "TxtRider" fail.
> Question :
> Is there a new DoorsOs version which operate with this new TI-89 version ?
> Is it possible to turn back to previous version with new flashing ?
> In this case, must I contact TI ?
> Remark : I have still TI-89 Rom's dump before and after new install.
> Virtual TI V5.B5 operate in the same manner as TI-89 itself with new OS
> version.
> Thanks to take my demand into account.